Can You Live Inside A Shipping Container? 

Living healthily inside a shipping container would have been considered a pipe dream decades ago, but is now a possibility. With the advancement of technology and many people taking an interest in lower-footprint living, shipping container homes are now becoming more common. As currently endure a cost-of-living crisis and economic hardship, it’s important to be aware of alternative methods of living. 

ContainerCo represents one of New Zealand’s largest suppliers of shipping containers. Our team also includes several talented experts who have extensive experience in modifying containers to fit a variety of purposes. Follow this blog to get a basic understanding of how modifications can alter shipping containers to become efficient and cost-effective homes for owner-occupiers or investors.  

Are Shipping Containers Durable Enough For A Home?

While you may be doubting the use of a shipping container, remember its original use. The job of a shipping container is to store and transport goods across the world via the most dangerous seas and remain intact and unharmed. Made from a specially-made metal called Corten steel, shipping containers display all the ideal characteristics of a safe home. 

While one shipping container may be too small in your eyes, take comfort in knowing that more than one container can be combined to provide a larger home. Thanks to ContainerCo’s technology and expertise, we have successfully created spaces that are composed of more than one shipping container. Using these robust steel boxes, you won’t be restricted by how large your new container home is. 

For more information, please read ‘Modern Living Solutions Using Shipping Containers

Can You Modify A Shipping Container? 

We wouldn’t expect customers to buy shipping containers from us without the necessary modifications. At ContainerCo, we offer an extensive selection of shipping containers and the services of a spectacular modifications team. We have experience in modifying containers to fit the needs of site offices, pop-up stores, cafes, and of course, brand-new homes. 

We have the ability to install windows, doors, plumbing and electrical capabilities. We have a broad portfolio that you may feel free to view here. As you can see, we don’t believe in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, we ensure that we listen to our customer’s wishes and will subsequently design based on the most practical solution for their situation.  

What Would A Shipping Container Home Look Like? 

Our gallery showcases just a few of the many homes we have assisted in modifying. Thanks to the basic nature of the shipping container, the designs can be very creative and showcase a modern flair that you can be proud of. Tiny homes and low-footprint living are a trend continuing to rise – and for good reason. Living in a space that requires efficiency will make you more aware of your energy use. 

Additionally, using shipping containers means the material already exists, you don’t need to trouble the Earth for timber, concrete or other materials. Making use of the building blocks already available to us means that we are taking that first step to a more sustainable lifestyle. 

The amount of construction waste is expected to be measured at 2.2 billion tonnes by 2025. This is an enormous number that will only contribute to further climate crisis issues. A shipping container house is an alternative to ensure we don’t add to that number and hopefully, begin a decreasing trend.

What Are The Benefits Of Living Inside A Shipping Container? 

There are five unique benefits why you should consider living in a shipping container home: 


The foundation of the home is already there when using shipping containers. Don’t concern yourself with spending truckloads of money outsourcing frames, concrete and other resources. Containers are sure to be as safe and secure as when they’re shipping goods across the world. 

Quicker Build

Similar to the above, with everything in reach – there’s no reason you can’t begin the construction process almost immediately. Once you have resource consent on your land, your shipping container home can begin its development process. 


Nothing should give you more confidence than knowing your walls and floor are capable of withstanding some of the planet’s most harsh conditions. A shipping container home will be as sturdy as it is modern. 


Perhaps one of the most unique features of a shipping container home, the level of customising you can enjoy is near endless. Choosing the colour, style and amount of windowing is a privilege that many with conventional homes cannot always enjoy. 


While you must ensure you have the most efficient design choice, a shipping container home can become much more energy-efficient compared to a regular home. As these homes will most likely be smaller, they will be far easier to keep warm and cool throughout the year. 


At ContainerCo, we pride ourselves on providing an extensive range of shipping containers for hire or purchase. Our range of 10ft, 20ft and 40ft containers can be used for various purposes, including shipment, storage or construction, to name a few. Featuring more than just containers in our product range, we also sell accessories and parts for shipping containers to ensure your container can be maintained and repaired after prolonged use. 

Offering specialised containers along with dry standard variations, ContainerCo’s containers include refrigerated, dangerous goods, high-ball, open-top and side-opening options. As a fully-established shipping container company, we also have the facilities to modify purchased shipping containers. In addition, our specialised team can assist you with altering containers into workspaces, cafes, tiny homes or construction site offices. 

We can serve Kiwis across the country with facilities operating in Auckland, Tauranga, Christchurch, Wellington and Waikato. So next time you require a shipping container, hire or buy yours at ContainerCo today! 

Contact us at 0508 732 873 or request a free online quote today!

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